Concerts Center

Concerts Center


15 - 16 06 2024


10 h 00 - 17 h 00
Bruson / Bruson
Chemin du Clou

Concerts Center

From traditional to contemporary music, an eclectic programme awaits you. There’s something for everyone, and it’s sure to get your toes tapping!

Hourly Schedule


12h - 12h30
Able to make its way into places you'd never imagine, FBI is not afraid of the cold. The band moves and makes sudden appearances in the heart of the crowd. It's where you'd least expect it.
12h30 - 13h30
Echoes Of Django
Django covers that swing jazz.
13h - 14h
Able to make its way into places you'd never imagine, FBI is not afraid of the cold. The band moves and makes sudden appearances in the heart of the crowd. It's where you'd least expect it.
13h - 14h
JohnTone Trio
A simple trio, with no tricks or gimmicks, who play their own compositions for those with a curious mind. A constantly evolving repertoire of original compositions in jazz, blues, bossa...
14h30 - 15h30
Able to make its way into places you'd never imagine, FBI is not afraid of the cold. The band moves and makes sudden appearances in the heart of the crowd. It's where you'd least expect it.
15h - 16h
Andrea Bignasca
The talented Andrea Bignasca is sure to galvanise the main stage. His rock'n'blues tunes immediately stir the hearts and ears of those who listen to him.
15h - 16h
Echoes Of Django
Django covers that swing jazz.
16h - 17h
This bluegrass duo sounds like a melody rooted in the soul. Guided by their exceptional voices and sober instrumentation, Joël and Jean-Christophe transport us between country classics and bluegrass nuggets, capturing the essence of their timeless passion.
17h30 - 19h
Miss Helvetia
Barbara Klossner - Miss Helvetia on stage - has been singing her love of yodelling and folklore for some years now to a fervent following that has quickly taken her to the top of the Swiss charts.
19h30 - 20h30
Echoes Of Django
Django covers that swing jazz.
20h - 21h30
Mind Enterprises
Groovy bass lines, hypnotic rhythms and cosmic keyboard odysseys that cross continents - that's the signature of producer Andrea Tirone. The duo will send waves of joy through their music, inspired by Italian hits from the 80s and dance-pop from the 90s.
Y Paifazo
The hearts of men can be found throughout the day in the village.


11h30 - 12h30
Yapagnoloch breathe new life into forgotten hits by tinting contemporary pop with wrinkles and black and white. Escaping the passage of time, they invite you on a musical journey through the decades.
12h - 13h
Echoes Of Django
Django covers that swing jazz.
13h30 - 14h30
YMOM, the musical fusion of Yves Moulin, Olivier Magarotto and Marc-Olivier Savoy, defy convention with their accordion and Hammond organ. Their aim: to modernise these classic instruments, creating a daring experience.
14h - 15h
Doris, Nathalie and Patricia form Donnacor, an alphorn trio. They've been passionately sharing their love of the instrument and music for several years now. Welcome to their world!
15h - 16h
Echoes Of Django
Django covers that swing jazz.
15h30 - 16h30
Doris, Nathalie and Patricia form Donnacor, an alphorn trio. They've been passionately sharing their love of the instrument and music for several years now. Welcome to their world!
15h30 - 17h
L'Orage emerge from the mountains of Valle d'Aosta and blend traditional folk, classic rock and canzone d'autore. Spiritual melodies and spellbinding moments!