Where the rhythm of alpine culture and terroir beats

In the heart of the Valaisan heritage, at the foot of the summits of Dionysus and Belenos, winding between vineyards and Alpine castles, lies PALP, a creative cauldron offering all the great tasters of culture and enchantment, all the lovers of groove and gastronomy, the freshest of discovery and pleasure: culture, terroir and heritage at the service of life’s great moments. Friends of intrepid adventure, welcome to the confines of paradise!

At the center of this universe: the PALP Festival

The PALP Festival is a series of incongruous events, sometimes nestled between celestial peaks at an altitude of three thousand meters, sometimes in nature parks or medieval castles, in the heart of a distillery, on mountain pastures, in a vineyard or a Roman amphitheater.

Each event is a unique delicacy to be savored to the full, between plains and mountains, village carnotzet or historical monument. Music, exhibitions, local flavours, shows or literary escapades: it’s all there, transformed into an experience for the dreamer.

Then there’s PALP Village

In the heart of the Val de Bagnes, in the charming, bucolic village of Bruson, PALP has planted its roots. Here, between summits and traditions, a jewel box of life flourishes. A grocery store showcasing local treasures, a comics hut to dream in boxes and bubbles, residences for artists and researchers, ball courses for young and old, a very local restaurant and exhibitions that make the walls vibrate, and above all… passionate souls.

Our Team

General and artistic management

Sébastien Olesen


Cyril Huguet
Michel May

booking assistant

Marie Corminboeuf


Alexandre Locher
Sophie Bech


Marie Olesen


Sophie Bech

Reception & ticketing

Morgane Cordonier

Promotion & communication

Axelle Debons

Press & public relations

Michel May

Graphic design

Loïc Raboud

Gastronomy & terroir

Marie Olesen

Curator Beauty & Room

Balthazar Lovay

Logistics and infrastructure managers

Laure Bovard
Perrine Curchod

Technical manager

David Glassey

Village Mediation

Loïse Pignat

Bar managers

Joanne Jeanbourquin
Mallika Monney

communication & production assistant

Alexandra Antille

Raclette manager

Blaise Coutaz

Raclette curator

Eddy Baillifard

Wine curator

Grégoire Dessimoz

Participative grocery

Marie Olesen
Marie Corminboeuf
Loïse Pignat
Annalisa Ruffino

Carrefour du Village Restaurant

Sabine Besse
Sébastien Mathat
Michel May
Marion MacLeod