2—10 August
Val de Bagnes


Rock and raclette on a mountaintop

At the top of the mountains, the center of the world, Val de Bagnes and its natural stages welcome the finest in rock music and Alpine gold in sumptuous settings, only accessible by hike, bike, cable car or bus. Rocklette, a legend in its own right.

Date Price Members
02.08 48 43
03.08 48 43
06.08 48 43
07.08 48 43
08.08 38 33
09.08 42 37
10.08 48 43

7 days Pass : 230.-

7 days Members Pass : 210.-

11h – 19h everyday

Transport is included in the ticket price.

Concerts are only accessible by public transport or on foot.

Every day, buses or cable cars depart from Le Châble (central location) to the different Rocklette venues.

Parking available in Le Châble (also for camping cars).

Date Transportation Journey Schedule
02-03.08 Cables cars Le Châble <-> Mayens de Bruson Until 19h30
06-07.08 Bus Le Châble, Station – Brunet 10h20, 11h20 & 12h20
06-07.08 Bus Brunet – Le Châble, Station 17h20, 18h20 & 19h20
08-09-10.08 Bus Le Châble, Station – Col du Lein 10h20, 11h20 & 12h20
08-09-10.08 Bus Col du Lein – Le Châble, Station 17h20, 18h20 & 19h20
Date Location
02.08 Couvert du Goly
03.08 Couvert du Goly
06.08 Cabane Brunet
07.08 Cabane Brunet
08.08 Col du Lein
09.08 Col du Lein
10.08 Col du Lein

Information coming soon!

Couvert du Goly
Cabane Brunet
Col du Lein

In case of heavy rain, the concerts will be moved under a tent in Bruson.

2 1 E V E N T S T O D I S C O V E R D U R I N G T H E P A L P F E S T I V A L