3 May

Bal Masqué

Wild Dances at the Castle!

May is the time to do as you please! And luckily, the PALP Festival invites you to live the castle life. Come turn heads while keeping your mystery. Charm without revealing your true face, wander through the winding paths of Château de Venthône, dressed in your finest gown, elegant tailcoat, or your most extravagant boa.


Full price
65.- with meal
40.- without meal

60.- with meal
35.- without meal

18h – 2h

Free return shuttles :
Venthône – Sierre : 1h, 1h30, 2h
Venthône – Sion : 2h

Château de Venthône, Noble-Contrée

Château de Venthône
Rue du Château 8
3973 Venthône
Get directions

Evening attire required!

Wolf (mask) offered at the entrance

2 1 E V E N T S T O D I S C O V E R D U R I N G T H E P A L P F E S T I V A L